Tomorrow holds my longest run ever - 14 miles. That's just a little longer than a half marathon without all the hoopla. I'm looking forward to it. The weather is supposed to be a cool 39ยบ and sunny. Great! I've planned a flat run. Parking in the center of an out and back route - 3.5 miles in one direction, turnaround, run 7 (past car) in the other, and 3.5 miles back. 3.5 mile chunks seem very doable.
I have been working on positive thoughts about my 'aid station' car. Would I stop at an event aid station and not run any more? Nope. I arrive, take what I need, and keep moving.
My car is ever-ready with gear, fuel, and supplies for a workout, run, or tan. I do need to put an extra headband in my car; a sweaty headband makes my ears cold. Tissues too. I am not skilled enough (nor want to be) at the snot-rocket. But the cold weather means I better be prepared or I'll be forced to take aim or use my clothing. More than you wanted to know?
Oh! I simply couldn't stand my shoes any longer. They were gross and stinky. I should never smell. So I washed them, let them air-dry. I know, I know, we are not supposed to but, c'mon! Ick! They came out soooo fresh and, sigh, clean. I was relieved to put my feet into the de-funkified shoes, but on my run they looked so bright and new! I washed easily 400 miles of dirt off them. I was sad that they looked so new and unused. But it did make me add up the miles and realize a new pair of shoes is in order. Soon.
Thanks for reading, listening, supporting, for being a friend...
Signing off,
Nancy, Marathoner
Nancy, Marathoner
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