Today, I ran a healthy 16 miles. Ladies and Gentlemen, I am pleased to report that I felt relatively strong from mile 4 onward. (The startup aches took longer to work themselves out, but they did indeed go!) I felt cardio-strong from the onset, but held back in respect of the aches and distance. Miles 4-12 were strong. I actually really truly had fun for several of them! Apparently, I measure fun in terms of ease and lack of discomfort! I am still amazed that I had *fun* running! Crazy. Miles 12-16 were really not bad. I needed less walking breaks than I thought I would. I would target a walking start point but run past it for quite a while. I kept a decent running pace overall. Even with several walk breaks my pace average was 11:30. That's really good for me these days. I have noticed that my pace is slowing over the training weeks and miles.
Could there be ANY better weather to run in than a drizzly 50 degrees?? Nope! It was perfect. I needed only one layer on the top. Not even a head band, really. I was very content with lower body dbl layers but they might have been unnecessary too. Perfect, loved it! Yeah for 50 degrees!
Anyway, tickled pink here. Thankful for all the prayers and support of my friends during this rough spot in the training weeks!
OH! I am spending more of my running time being grateful to God for all the lovely things He supplies. How marvelous is our planet, an ever-changing work of art! Awesome. The pic above, btw, is the trail on which I frequently run ... lovely!
One other thing. I intend to do a few things during my taper weeks. One is gather and read inspirational sotries of unlikely marathon finishers. I would like to hit race day chock full of inspiration and remotivation. I also need to spend some of that time determining my post-event plan. What and when should I do in the recouperative weeks following the marathon?
Well, friends, that's all tonight. Going to relax and continue to enjoy the afterglow of a solid long run!
God's blessings and love to all,
Nancy, Marathoner.
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