Thursday, December 6, 2007

Rest Day Ramblings

Yesterday's 4 mile run was untimed and uneventful. Didn't feel particularly strong or deficient. Can't complain, can't rave. My feet sounded really heavy at the start. That is unusual for me. My footfalls are usually light. They were better after a mile or 2. I did 20 min of core work and stretched well afterwards.

Tomorrow holds my longest run ever - 14 miles. That's just a little longer than a half marathon without all the hoopla. I'm looking forward to it. The weather is supposed to be a cool 39ยบ and sunny. Great! I've planned a flat run. Parking in the center of an out and back route - 3.5 miles in one direction, turnaround, run 7 (past car) in the other, and 3.5 miles back. 3.5 mile chunks seem very doable.

I have been working on positive thoughts about my 'aid station' car. Would I stop at an event aid station and not run any more? Nope. I arrive, take what I need, and keep moving.

My car is ever-ready with gear, fuel, and supplies for a workout, run, or tan. I do need to put an extra headband in my car; a sweaty headband makes my ears cold. Tissues too. I am not skilled enough (nor want to be) at the snot-rocket. But the cold weather means I better be prepared or I'll be forced to take aim or use my clothing. More than you wanted to know?

Oh! I simply couldn't stand my shoes any longer. They were gross and stinky. I should never smell. So I washed them, let them air-dry. I know, I know, we are not supposed to but, c'mon! Ick! They came out soooo fresh and, sigh, clean. I was relieved to put my feet into the de-funkified shoes, but on my run they looked so bright and new! I washed easily 400 miles of dirt off them. I was sad that they looked so new and unused. But it did make me add up the miles and realize a new pair of shoes is in order. Soon.

Thanks for reading, listening, supporting, for being a friend...

Signing off,
Nancy, Marathoner

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